THE ultimate 8th birthday party for boys has been found. This is the BMX bike park in Chandler. It's a dirt bike course with hills and ramps and hours upon hours of bike riding fun.

None of my kids were intimidated by the course. It was all systems go for 2 full hours!

Katie's bike was a little tougher to ride than the smaller boys bikes but she got right in on the action.

Oh yeah. My biggest boy was not to be left out, either. However, he did spend most of his time helping the kids ride.

Is this the sign of a happy boy? Sweaty, red faced and a soda in his hand? Love you Isaac!

Even Cassie got in on the action. She's 3 going on however old the next kid is. This kid is not to be left out!

Seth at his birthday party!

This is the starting point for the track. It's a little unnerving the first time down, but after that, it's a blast!

Some of the hills at the track.

All we had to do was have pizza and drinks off to the side and the boys came whenever they needed a break, but they never stayed long.

Isaac on the hills. This was the EASIEST birthday party I have ever put on. Boys and their bikes just go hand in hand. We sure had a great time!